Thursday, February 13, 2014


Name Chemical Name Solubility Deficiency Disease Food Sources
A Retinol Fat Night blindness Liver, Oranges, ripe yellow fruits, leafy vegetables, carrots, pumpkin, squash, spinach, soy milk, milk
B1 Thiamine Water Beriberi Pork, oatmeal, brown rice, vegetables, potatoes, liver, eggs
B2 Riboflavin Water Ariboflavinosis Dairy products, bananas, popcon, green beans, asparagus
B3 Niacin Water Pellagra Meat, fish, eggs, many vegetables, mushrooms, tree nuts
B5 Panthothenic acid Water Paresthesia Meat, broccoli, avocados
B6 Pyridoxine Water Anemia Meat, vegetables, tree nuts, bananas
B7 Biotin Water Dermatitis, enteritis Raw egg yolk, liver, peanuts, certain vegetables
B9 Folic Acid Water Megaloblastic anemia Leafy vegetabls, pasta, bread, cereal, liver
B12 Cyanocobalamin Water Megaloblastic anemia Meat and other animal products
C Ascorbic acid Water Scurvy Many fruits and vegetables
D Cholecalciferol Fat Rickets Fish, eggs, liver, mushrooms
E Tocopherols Fat Hemolytic anemia in newborn infants Many fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds
K Phylloquinone Fat Bleeding diathesis Leafy green vegetabls such as spinach, egg yolks, liver