Enacted on 9 june 2000
Commenced on 17 October 2000
Amendment 2008
Commenced on 17 October 2000
Amendment 2008
Information Technology Act 2000 | |
Section | Title |
65 | Tampering with computer soucrce documents |
66 | Hacking with the computer system |
66B | Receiving stolen compueter |
66C | Using password of another person |
66D | Cheating using computer resource |
66E | Publishing images of others |
66F | Cyberterrorisom |
67 | Publishing information which is obscence in electronic form |
67A | Publishing images containing sexual acts |
67B | Publishing child pron or predating children online |
67C | Failiure to maintain records |
68 | Failiure to comply with orders |
69 | Failiure/Refusal to decrypt data |
70 | Secure access or attempting to secure access to a protected system |
71 | Misrepresentation |
First mobile virus: Cabir